8 Programs On Catholic Radio That Answer Questions About the Catholic Church

Written by on August 28, 2024

Are you a “cradle Catholic”, a revert to the Catholic faith, or even a new convert to Catholicism? No matter what your status and life experience is, there are programs on Catholic radio to assist you in learning what the Church teaches.


Here is just a sampling of the great programs on Catholic radio that can help you understand (and eventually even defend!) the Catholic faith:



1. Mother Angelica Live Classics


Mother Angelica started broadcasting Catholic programs in 1981. The founder of Eternal Word Television Network (EWTN), she developed programs for radio, television, the internet, and also print media. Mother Angelica hosted programs for 20 years until she experienced a stroke in 2001.


Wise, witty, feisty, and on fire with love for God are the qualities that embodied Mother Angelica. On this program you will hear lessons about Sacred Scripture, the Saints, growing in virtue, and call-in questions and answers about living the Catholic faith.



2. Called 2 Communion


Hosted by Dr. David Anders, this call-in program covers questions from non-Catholics with clarity, kindness, and respect.


Dr. Anders, a convert to Catholicism, is approachable and the program’s tagline asks, “What’s stopping YOU from becoming a Catholic?” Although not aimed at Catholic listeners, there is a wealth of information shared through this program that is sure to strengthen your faith.



3. Catholic Answers Live


This daily program is hosted by Cy Kellet. The focus of this call-in program is defending the Catholic faith (apologetics), and also evangelization.


Callers are Catholic and non-Catholic, and the program seeks to connect listeners to scholars, nuns and priests, and to bishops and cardinals who are leaders in today’s Church.


Questions and discussions touch on various aspects of Christian living and the Church including family concerns, social issues, ethics, evangelization, Catholic doctrine, and even Church controversies.



4. Beacon of Truth


Deacon Harold Burke-Sivers hosts this program aimed at listeners of all ages who want to develop or strengthen a deep and loving personal relationship with Jesus.


Program subjects range from current events, including those that challenge people’s hope, to specific topics about family life and personal struggles.


You may see Deacon Harold in your area since he is frequently invited to parishes to speak. When you listen to this program, you will be inspired by Deacon Harold’s love for the psalms and music, as well.



5. The Teaching of Jesus Christ


This program is a 50-part series that synthesizes The Catechism of the Catholic Church. If you have not read or studied a Catholic catechism, or if you have questions about some of the teachings of the Catholic Church, this series will profoundly impact you.


The Truth of the Catholic faith is preached with clarity in a candid and sometimes humorous style. You will find that learning what the catechism teaches is more interesting than you thought!



6. Life is Worth Living


If you are old enough to remember seeing Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen on television, this program is for you. If you are not yet acquainted with him, this program is also for you!


This nationally syndicated program was aired from 1951-1957. However, it is as relevant today as it was then. Archbishop Sheen provided insight into the times in which he lived, and was prophetic about what was to come, including what we are living through in our world today.


Topics include teachings about morality, Our Blessed Mother, the angels, Holy Days and the Mass, virtue and vice, and other subjects about our Catholic faith.



7. Lighthouse Catholic Media


This apostolate began as a provider of cassette tapes with inspirational Catholic talks placed at the back of Catholic churches. Over time it grew to distribute CDs, books, and other media in kiosks at over 7500 parishes until it merged with the Augustine Institute in 2015.


Programs consist of inspirational testimonials, talks, and Catholic teachings from a wide variety of prominent Catholic speakers. Each is interesting and informative to encourage listeners to live the Catholic faith more deeply.



8. The Spirit World


This is a weekly program and relatively new to the Catholic radio scene, as it is only about 2 years old. The hosts are Adam Blai, who is an expert on religious demonology and exorcism, and Debbie Georgianni, an inspirational speaker, certified life/health/wellness coach, and scholar on angels.


This program offers a Catholic perspective on issues related to angels, demons, and how the spiritual and physical worlds interact. Unfortunately in today’s society, many people do not recognize that some of their actions can open a door to the spirit world of fallen angels.


Each program answers questions submitted by listeners and includes commentary. Far from being scary or focusing on the demonic, this program instructs listeners on how to use sacramentals and participate in the Mass and sacraments. Common sense and a caution to not be too curious about the enemy of our souls is interwoven into each episode. You will hear about the power of Jesus Christ, and learn how to better live a life of freedom in the Power of the Holy Trinity.



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