Your 100% tax deductible donation will help us provide quality Catholic programming to listeners in your listening area and around the world through the Catholic Radio Network Mobile App.
Giving Societies

St. Michael the Archangel Club
A dollar a day ($30/mo) enrolls you in the St. Michael the Archangel Club. This is the way that thousands have chosen to support our mission.
Spiritual Benefits:
- Your prayers will offered up in our prayer petition box in our Divine Mercy Adoration Chapel.
- You will be remembered in our monthly Catholic Radio Network Mass.
St. Michael the Archangel, Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and do thou, O Prince of the heavenly host, by the power of God, thrust into Hell Satan and all the other evil spirits who roam about the world seeking the ruin of souls.

Disciple Club
You can be a Catholic Radio Network Disciple by donating $50/month, joining thousands of others who have chosen to support our mission at this level.
Spiritual Benefits
- Your prayers will offered up in our prayer petition box in our Divine Mercy Adoration Chapel.
- You will be remembered in our monthly Catholic Radio Network Mass.
“Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously.” – St. Paul

Apostle Club
You can be a Catholic Radio Network Apostle by donating $1,200 or more annually, as a one-time gift or pledge, and join thousands of others who have chosen to support our mission at this level.
Spiritual Benefits
- Your prayers will offered up in our prayer petition box in our Divine Mercy Adoration Chapel.
- You will be remembered in our monthly Catholic Radio Network Mass.
“The apostles have preached the Gospel to us from the Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ [has done so] from God. Christ, therefore, was sent by God, and the apostles by Christ.” – Clement of Rome

Mother Angelica Club
Members of the Mother Angelica Club are a bulwark to the mission of Catholic Radio Network with a commitment to prayer – especially the daily Angelus – and a cumulative annual contribution of $5,000 or more.
Spiritual Benefits
- Your prayers will offered up in our prayer petition box in our Divine Mercy Adoration Chapel.
- You will be remembered in our monthly Catholic Radio Network Mass.
“It’s your obligation to speak the truth, and everyone can either take it or leave it. But truth must be in us. We live in such a poverty of truth today.” – Mother Angelica

JP II Legacy Society (Planned Giving)
A planned gift* to Catholic Radio Network will bring you the comfort of knowing you are continuing to provide resources to the Church and your family, helping them to deepen and to grow in the Faith for generations to come. Your planned gift to Catholic Radio Network will also impact the spiritual lives of countless souls. In gratitude for your generosity, Catholic Radio Network will enroll you in its JP2 Legacy Society.
If you are interested in including Catholic Radio Network in your estate plan, we’d love to hear from you! Please call us at (877) 630-1090.
*Important: There are many planned gift options. Since each of these options is personal in matter, we highly recommend you seek the guidance of a professional financial planner or advisor, estate planning attorney or accountant to determine the arrangements that best serve your financial needs and philanthropic goals. When designating Relevant Radio for any of these options, you should refer to our legal business information as it appears below.
Beneficiary: Catholic Radio Network Inc.
Federal Tax ID: 32-0081587
Legal Name: Catholic Radio Network
Legal Address: 1400 NE 42 Terrace, Kansas City, MO 64116
Toll Free Number: (877) 630-1090
Other Ways to Give

Gifts of Marketable Securities (Stocks – Mutual Funds)
Transferring a gift of long-term appreciated stocks, those owned for more than one year, can provide significant tax advantages by allowing you to deduct the fair market value while paying no capital gain tax. Today, most stock transfers are easily made electronically from your broker account to the Catholic Radio Network account. Please contact 877-630-1090 if you would like to know more.
Selling your stocks first and donating the proceeds may cause you to miss out on these tax benefits. Selling depreciated stock and donating the proceeds may also be tax advantageous to some, since you can generally claim the reduced value as a “loss” in your tax filing, in addition to the income deduction for the cash proceeds. We highly recommend you seek the guidance of a professional financial planner/advisor, attorney or accountant to determine the arrangements that best serve your financial needs and philanthropic goals.
Whether you are electronically transferring stock, mailing a stock certificate or giving a mutual fund gift, please notify us. Knowledge of your gift allows us to track its progress, assign your gift correctly and provide you with an acknowledgement letter for your tax records.

Employer Matching
Many companies offer matching donations for their employees’ charitable donations, oftentimes as much as dollar-for-dollar. It is generally as simple as filing the appropriate forms with your HR department before committing your donation to us.
Beneficiary: Catholic Radio Network Inc.
Federal Tax ID: 32-0081587
Legal Name: Catholic Radio Network
Legal Address: 1400 NE 42 Terrace, Kansas City, MO 64116
Toll Free Number: (888) 630-1090

Direct Gifts from Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs)
The US Code, Sec. 408(d)(8), permits “qualifying charitable distributions” from traditional IRA or Roth IRA accounts to be excluded from gross income. This is great news for those who must take a “required minimum distribution” but who do not want to add to their taxable income for the year. If you own an IRA and are 70 ½ or older, you can make a tax-free transfer of up to $100,000 a year to Catholic Radio Network.
Requirements and benefits:
- Donors must be at least 70½ years old on the date of the gift.
- The IRA Custodian (trustee) must transfer your gift directly to Catholic Radio Network.
- Up to $100,000 per IRA owner may be contributed each year.
- Donors recognize no taxable income on the transfer.
- While the charitable distribution cannot be claimed an income tax deduction, it also is not used in calculating the percentage limitation on charitable contributions. For some donors, this may be the most significant tax benefit of making a charitable IRA distribution rather than a direct contribution to Catholic Radio Network.
- The gift can count toward the IRA owner’s required minimum distribution.
- The gift must be made by December 31 to qualify for the current tax year.