Spiritual Growth In the Catholic Faith: 3 Stages Taught By the Doctors Of the Church

Written by on August 26, 2024

What Is A “Doctor Of the Church”?


In the Catholic Church, some canonized Saints are known as “Doctor of the Church”. Thirty-seven of the thousands of Saints have the distinction of this title. Requirements are:


  • great holiness or sanctity (by which they have already been declared to be Saints)
  • significant research, study, and writings that contributed to Catholic theology and/or Catholic doctrine
  • declaration of this title by a pope in a papal proclamation



There Are 3 Stages Of Spiritual Growth Taught By Doctors Of the Catholic Church


There are 5 Church Doctors who are notable in their writings about growth in the spiritual life. These include:


  • Bernard of Clairvaux
  • Catherine of Siena
  • Francis de Sales
  • John of the Cross
  • Teresa of Avila


Although the terminology used by each differs slightly, all describe the same process by which a soul is transformed and grows closer to God. Here is a brief introduction to the 3 stages:



1. The Purgative Way


This first stage of spiritual growth involves a conversion. In order to embark on the journey of spiritual perfection, a person needs to acknowledge his or her sins, have contrition or sorrow for sins in the past, and desire a change of lifestyle in order to grow closer to God.


Similar to the word purgatory, which is derived from the Latin word, “purgare”, meaning “to purge”, the purgative way refers to purging oneself from the attraction to sin.


In the spiritual journey, there is a turning away from vice, and turning towards virtue. The purgative way involves cultivating the virtue of humility. In this way a person is aware of his or her weakness and understands the need to surrender to God’s Will.


The experience of the purgative way sometimes occurs after a retreat or spiritually significant time. It can also come about after a difficult or “rock bottom” experience from which gratitude and a conversion are the result.



2. The Illuminative Way


Between the extremes of contrition for sinfulness and true union with God is the second stage, the illuminative way. In this intermediary stage, there is progress to keep oneself from mortal sin, but distractions and desires still exist to lead one to venial sin.


A person’s mind is gradually enlightened, or illumined, to the ways of God. There is a desire to progress in growing in virtue. Yet purgation still continues, and there can be spiritual dryness and difficulties.


There may also be some spiritual temptations and sufferings in this stage. However, it is important to remember that all things pass through the Hand of God for one’s benefit. In weakness and difficulties, there are opportunities to unite suffering with Christ on His Cross, and this makes a person spiritually stronger.



3. The Unitive Way


The final stage of spiritual growth is Christian perfection. This is a union with God by experiencing God’s love, and deciding to exercise actions of love in return.


In the unitive way, there is a constant awareness of God’s presence. The mind is detached from worldly things and is focused on Him. An abiding peace is consistent with conformity to God’s Will.


It is important to note that these three stages do not necessarily occur in a linear progression. Because every person is unique, there can be an ebb and flow, or a cycling through, or movement back and forth between the purgative, illuminative, and unitive ways.



The Doctors Of the Church Encourage That Spiritual Growth Is For Everyone


The summaries above are just tiny tidbits of information that barely begin to describe the spiritual journey. This process of growing closer to God may seem daunting, confusing, or difficult.


However, the Church Doctors are clear in their writings that God calls each of us to Himself and He leads the process. There is peace and tremendous joy that results from union with God.


The Creator of your soul desires to fill you with His love and peace. He directs your journey as you seek Him, and the pace is gentle. Because humanity was gifted with free will, God will not impose Himself on anyone. He always seeks union with souls who surrender themselves to Him.


There are several resources that can aid you in embarking on this deeper union with God.


Writings By the Saints include:




Writings by contemporary writers to guide you include:




Catholic Radio Provides Encouragement For the Spiritual Journey


Although growing closer to God is a personal experience, we all are called to embark on that journey. Programs on Catholic radio can provide insight through the Holy Spirit to meet you where your soul is at.


You can listen online to one of our five livestreams, find your local station, or download our free app for Apple and Android.

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