6 Catholic Radio Programs That Teach You About the Catholic Church

Written by on March 19, 2025

Do you remember all that you were taught about your faith as a child? Whether you attended religious instruction or were a student at a Catholic or Christian school, what you learned was meant to be foundational, nurtured, and built upon.


Perhaps you continued to grow in your faith. Or maybe life got busy and your relationship with God fell by the wayside. No matter where you are on your spiritual path, God is always waiting for you to draw closer to Him!



“Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you.”

                                                  James 4:8



Whether or not your parish offers continuing education or retreats for adults, Catholic radio is readily available to teach and guide.


Catholic Radio Network, in particular, offers five livestreams.


Three of the livestreams offer the same programs at different times of the day and/or weekend for your convenience. The other two provide music and special events.


Here are six Catholic radio programs that will teach you about the Catholic Church:



1. The Bible in a Year & The Catechism in a Year


These podcasts are paired for an hour slot on the programming schedule, one after the other.


The Bible in a Year podcast, by Fr. Mike Schmitz, was inspired by The Great Adventure Bible Study and Timeline by Jeff Cavins. Each of the 365 episodes includes:

  • a scripture reading
  • commentary that reflects historical context and how the reading relates to the Catholic church
  • closing prayer


The Catechism in a Year podcast, also by Fr. Mike Schmitz, is based on the Catechism of the Catholic Church. It continues where The Bible in a Year podcast left off. Its daily focus is on:

  • a section of the Catechism of the Catholic Church
  • commentary on the essentials of the Catholic faith and their significance today
  • explanation of how Church teaching is rooted in Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition



2. The Teachings of Jesus Christ


You will find this series on the weekend programming schedule. It is a 50-part teaching covering the Catechism of the Catholic Church.


The speaker, Fr. John Corapi, teaches without regard to personal opinion or political correctness. With the gift of apostolic preaching, you may feel like you are listening to one of the early apostles preaching Jesus as the Way, Truth, and Life.



3. Corapi Classics


If you enjoy listening to Fr. Corapi’s instruction on the Catechism, you will find this program interesting and informative as well.


Fr. Corapi traveled across the United States for a time giving weekend conferences, weeklong missions, and special talks.

You will be inspired and encouraged by his gratitude to God for the Mercy of Jesus, and the gift of His Blessed Mother to humanity.



4. Catholic Answers Live


Often called the #1 Catholic Radio Show of Apologetics and Evangelization, there are two one-hour slots dedicated to this important program.


“Apologetics” refers to the act of “defending the Christian faith”. This defense can be against agnostics or atheists.


Apologetics also includes defending the Catholic Church from misunderstandings and attacks from erroneous teaching, doctrines of protestant denominations, or other religions.


This call-in program is sometimes philosophical, usually historical, and always practical. Discussions include topics such as:

  • Doctrine and controversies
  • Evangelization
  • Current social issues
  • Concerns about family
  • Whatever is on a caller’s mind: perhaps yours, if you call in!



5. Called to Communion


The tagline for this program is, “What’s stopping YOU from becoming a Catholic?” It’s a question that also speaks to faithful Catholics, as we are all called to deeper conversion.


Catholicism is not just a religion, but the Way to faithfully follow in the steps of Christ to live as He taught us. This is passed down through Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition.


This is also a call-in program. You are welcome to ask your own questions about topics such as the Eucharist and Real Presence of Jesus, bible translations, Church doctrines, the Saints, Mary, and anything else you are curious about or don’t quite understand.



6. The Journey Home / Best of the Journey Home


This interesting program gets into the nitty-gritty of listening to the voice of God in one’s life to ultimately come into the Catholic Church.


Guests share their personal conversion stories with vulnerability and honesty, noting the ups and downs in their minds and hearts, and also practically with family members and work.


Originally hosted by Marcus Grodi (recently deceased), the program continues being hosted by his son, JonMarc Grodi. Guests today continue to share their personal obstacles to Catholicism, objections to doctrine, and ultimately, attraction to the Catholic Church.



Find Encouragement in Programs New to You


When you listen to Catholic radio, you will find yourself in the questions, ponderings, and stories of the people who have questions about the Catholic Church. You will discover kinship among the callers.


When you understand more, you will be part of the “new evangelization”, drawing others to the Light of Christ by your example and knowledge.


May the Holy Spirit speak to your heart when you listen to our carefully selected programs!


You can listen online to one of our five livestreams, find your local station, or download our free app for Apple and Android.

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