4 Ways Catholic Radio Can Equip You To Evangelize and Defend the Faith

Written by on July 23, 2024

Evangelization and apologetics. These are the fancy words for bringing the Good News to the world. Jesus Christ declared Himself to be the Way, the Truth, and the Life. In the Great Commission He instructed His 12 apostles and other followers to spread His saving message and share what they learned with the world. Catholic radio helps bring this practice to the forefront in the modern era.


Evangelists are not just the 12 apostles, priests, or public speakers. You are called to evangelize in your own little corner of the world among those Our Lord brings into your life.


Apologists (defenders of the faith) are not just those on Catholic Answers or those who debate atheists (or even other Christian denominations) in the public square.



Be Salty!


As believers in the Holy Trinity and disciples of Jesus, ourselves, we are called to be salt the earth. In Jesus’ time, salt was valuable to season food and purify it to preserve it from decay.


As followers of Christ, we can “be salty” by seasoning people and situations around us with God’s love. We are called to live pure lives, and preserve the Gospel teachings of Our Lord.


Just as salt leads to thirst, we can lead those we encounter to Jesus, the Living Water, the only one Who can truly quench our spiritual thirst.


Studying the Bible and Catechism of the Catholic Church are necessary to know, love, and serve God. However, the Holy Spirit moves among us in the world in various ways.


Recent popes have pointed to the necessity of carrying the Good News through various modes of the media. One religious order, the Daughters of St. Paul, actually have that as their mission. Here are four ways that Catholic radio can equip you to evangelize and defend the faith:



1. Catholic Radio Opens Up the Scriptures


Daily Mass, homilies, retreat talks. These all involve listening to and learning about what the Bible teaches. Isaiah 55:11 says:


So shall my word be

that goes forth from my mouth;

It shall not return to me empty,

but shall do what pleases me,

achieving the end for which I sent it.


Listening to the Word of God has an effect on your mind and soul. The Holy Spirit can use what you listen to and learn to provide the words to communicate God’s Truth and Love to others.


Bible In a Year is a great program to listen to since Scripture is studied in bite-sized pieces that build upon each other. You don’t have to wait for the new year. Jump in and the Holy Spirit will do the rest.



2. Sacred Tradition and Fidelity To the Magisterium Are Emphasized On Catholic Radio


Some Christian denominations (and even some Catholics) don’t know or understand that Sacred Tradition was instituted before Sacred Scripture. What Jesus said and did was passed along to others, making new believers before the Bible was even assembled.


Catholics, therefore, hold Sacred Tradition to be just as important as Sacred Scripture. You will come to understand this better, and by listening to programs by priests and apologists, you will be able to explain this to others.


The Magisterium is the totality of the teaching body of the Church. It is guided by the Holy Spirit. It is good to read Scripture, the Catechism of the Catholic church, and other writings from the Popes and Vatican throughout the ages.


However, we do not have the mind of God and the Magisterium helps guide our understanding. Catholic radio refers to the teachings of the Early Church Fathers, Popes, Bishops, and others to provide a trustworthy foundation for understanding our Catholic beliefs.


Two such programs to listen to are The Catholic Current and Beacon of Truth.



3. Particular Programs On Catholic Radio Are Designed To Answer Questions About the Catholic Faith


In addition to the Mass, prayers, and sermons, Catholic radio provides call-in programs. Some of these are directed especially to new Catholic converts, reverts who left the Catholic faith for a time and have now returned, and those who simply want to learn more about their faith.


Catholic Answers Live and Called to Communion are two such programs that provide information and reference to all things Catholic, especially in the areas of Church teaching and Sacred Tradition.


You also will find timeless teaching by Archbishop Fulton Sheen on Life Is Worth Living.



4. Catholic Radio Call-In Programs Provide A Model For Sharing Faith and Church Teaching With Others


In addition to the above programs, these can prove to be interesting and helpful:


  • More 2 Life
  • The Doctor Is In
  • The Spirit World


The first two programs look at family and relationships through the lens of Catholic teaching. They tackle everyday life and hard situations. The third program explains what is unseen and how to avoid spiritual pitfalls.



Evangelization and Apologetics: You Can Do It!


Your particular gifts may not lead you to a world stage or radio program. But Catholic radio can equip you, giving you knowledge and talking points to strengthen your faith. When you understand what the Catholic church teaches, you can more effectively communicate it to others.


We invite you to join us in the Great Commission and let Catholic Radio Network be your guide. You can listen online to one of our five livestreams, find your local station, or download our free app for Apple and Android.

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