4 Ways Catholic Radio Can Assist You in Enjoying a Meaningful Advent

Written by on December 16, 2024

Shop for Christmas presents.

Decorate your home.

Bake Christmas cookies.

Put up the Christmas tree after Thanksgiving, and take it down shortly after Christmas.


In our commercialized culture, these are the tasks related to Christmas. It’s a season of spending money amidst the hustle and bustle of “to do” lists. Preparing for Christmas in accordance with these cultural and societal customs is not all bad, but there is another way to consider.


It may sound cliché, but the Catholic church DOES point to “the reason for the season”. The birth of Jesus Christ is a central event in human history. The Second Person of the Holy Trinity, Jesus Christ, put on human flesh and arrived on earth as a baby.


While it’s easy to get caught up in material preparations for Christmas, we must remember the point of it all. Here are four ways Catholic radio can assist you in enjoying a more meaningful Advent:



1. Catholic Radio Focuses on the Gift of Jesus to Humanity


Don’t just focus on buying gifts for others, receive the gift of Jesus in your life! When you listen to Catholic radio during Advent, you will learn more about the Incarnation and its significance for humanity.


The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.

                                                      (John 1:14)


You will also be invited to draw closer to Our Lord as an infant. Jesus was born for you!


These programs can not only help deepen your understanding of the birth of Jesus, but teach you about the Love He has for you:


  • Mother Angelica Live Classics
  • Christ is the Answer
  • Word on Fire
  • Life is Worth Living
  • Scott Hahn




2. Adorn Your Heart with Jesus on Catholic Radio


Don’t just decorate your home, adorn your heart with Jesus this Advent! Decorations in our homes can serve as holy reminders, but it’s the heart that truly matters.


Catholic radio programs are infused with spiritual inspiration that matches the season of Advent. The four candles on an Advent wreath are symbols of the virtues of:


  • Hope
  • Peace
  • Joy
  • Love


Catholic radio provides a diverse selection of programs. There are priests, Mother Angelica, and theologians who teach. There are also call-in programs through which you can connect personally with hosts.


For inspiration this Advent, you might enjoy:


  • The Fathers Know Best
  • Spitzer’s Universe
  • The Son Rise Morning Show
  • More 2 Life with Dr. Gregory and Lisa Popcak
  • Take 2 with Jerry & Debbie




3. The “True Food” that Catholic Radio Presents Will Satisfy Your Soul


Don’t just focus on baking and cooking festive foods, consume the Bread of Life! Try to attend daily Mass and Eucharistic Adoration more frequently during Advent.


For my flesh is true food, and my blood is true drink. Whoever feeds on my flesh and drinks my blood abides in me, and I in him.

                                                      (John 6:55-56)


At the heart of Catholic radio is the mission to proclaim the Good News and make disciples of all people. Who provides energy, sustenance, and help in trials? Jesus in the Eucharist.


Advent is a call to prepare our hearts personally for continual conversion of our lives for Christ. It is also a reminder of how Jesus remains present to us in the Eucharist.


You can learn more about the Living Presence of Jesus and the truth of the Catholic church when you listen to:


  • Holy Mass with Fr. Kevin Drew
  • Called 2 Communion with Dr. David Anders
  • Daily Bread Fr. Drew Homily
  • Corapi Classics
  • The Fathers Know Best



4. Learn to Celebrate the Seasons with Catholic Radio


Don’t just put up a Christmas tree after Thanksgiving and take it down shortly after Christmas. Celebrate the liturgical seasons!


To look at many in society, Advent starts on Black Friday (or earlier!) and is about buying gifts and wrapping them. Christmas is a day to open them, then it’s all over. But that is not how it all started.


In the Catholic Church, Advent:


  • From the Latin, “ad-venire” means, “to come to”
  • Marks the beginning of the new liturgical year
  • Consists of four Sundays and weekdays prior to Christmas Day
  • Is a season of preparation to recall Christ’s birth
  • Directs us to focus our hearts and minds on Christ’s second coming


In the Catholic Church, Christmas:


  • Is not just a day, but a season
  • Begins with the vigil Mass on Christmas Eve
  • Concludes on the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord



Catholic radio can be an anchor of prolonged celebration amidst a culture that has forgotten the spiritual origins of this holy time.


You can listen online to one of our five livestreams, find your local station, or download our free app for Apple and Android.

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