Catholic Radio: 5 Reminders on Why to Tune In

Written by on February 7, 2025

Some Catholics set a goal for the new year (January 1st) or the new liturgical year (the beginning of Advent). Others have a vague feeling they should focus more on something spiritual. But they have lives that make new goals and routines challenging.


If you’ve been thinking about how you’d like to do “something” better regarding your spiritual life, one of the simplest ways is to listen to Catholic radio. You probably know the purpose of Catholic radio is to proclaim the Truth of Christ and His Church.


But are you aware of how many ways Catholic radio can bless you? Here are five reminders on why you should tune in:



1. Catholic Radio Teaches the Bible, the Catechism of the Catholic Church, and Church Documents


If you aren’t sure where to start with Bible study, listen to Mass! In 3 years of Sundays or 2 years of daily Mass readings you will hear:


  • About 90% of the four gospels.
  • More than 50% of the New Testament.
  • The main story of God loving, choosing, and teaching His Chosen People, Israel, in the Old Testament.


Catholic radio provides sermons, retreat presentations, and conference talks by priests who explain the message of Sacred Scripture.


It also airs call in apologetics programs. Knowledgeable program hosts defend the Catholic faith against misunderstanding and misinterpretation by atheists, agnostics, Protestants, and others. They often refer to the Catechism of the Catholic Church.


In our Programming Schedules you can also look for Bible in a Year / Catechism in a Year which both present small segments of instruction and meditation over 365 days.


Many program hosts also refer to Catholic Church documents, which have been written by popes, Church councils, and bishops for you, the laity, to teach and guide through the centuries.



2. Understand the Liturgical Year, and the Significance of Mass, Feast Days, and the Sacraments on Catholic Radio


You will understand the significance of things like:


  • The meaning of the altar cloth color, priest vestment color, and when they change throughout the church year.


  • When the church year begins and ends.


  • Why Catholic feast days are positioned at particular times in the Church year.


  • How the Holy Mass mirrors aspects of both the Old and New Testaments.


  • Why Catholics have seven sacraments, and how they are not a one-time celebration, but must be lived.



3. Draw Closer to the Holy Trinity through Catholic Radio


To have a relationship with someone, time must be spent in the other’s presence. It is no different with God. Catholic radio will certainly teach you about the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. But that is not all.


With the wide array of programs, you will hear people witness to the Father’s Love and Protection.


You will hear personal stories of conversion and how the saving power of Jesus helps Catholics center their lives on Him every day. You will be inspired to pick up your cross and follow Him.


As you listen to others talk about the movement of God in their lives, you will grow in awareness of the movements of the Holy Spirit in your own life, as well.



4. Catholic Radio Teaches How to Know and Love Mary, the Angels, and the Saints


Between the Protestant Reformation and a generation of Catholics that were poorly catechized (instructed using a catechism), knowledge of and devotion to Mary, the angels and the Saints decreased. Catholic radio is a remedy for that situation.


  • The rosary is prayed daily on Catholic radio.


  • Programs discuss the importance of St. Michael, guardian angels, and all the heavenly host.




5. Prayer and Hope Permeate Catholic Radio


By turning your mind to God when you can, you learn what it means to pray always (1 Thes 5:17). Even if you can only listen to Catholic radio in small snippets of time, the message of hope in Christ can be impactful.


Catholic radio provides encouragement to pray in difficult times, and in praise and thanksgiving for the blessings God bestows. It encourages Catholics to continually grow closer to God through personal conversion.


In proclaiming the Truth of Christ and His Church, confusion is dispelled and a foundation for heaven is built. Everything is passing, heaven is your true home.



Let Your Light Shine! Go Make Disciples!


Catholic radio will equip you! You can listen online to one of our five livestreams, find your local station, or download our free app for Apple and Android.

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