The Holy Mass on Catholic Radio: 5 Ways It May Change Your Life

Written by on June 23, 2024

Are you looking for something to listen to that could change your life? You might be surprised to hear that Holy Mass on Catholic radio could be the answer. Some radio stations play music that is not peace-filled and can negatively impact one’s soul. Other stations, like “talk radio” may be interesting, and news stations can inform, but also create stress.


Catholic radio is the only option that will proclaim Truth. It is the only option that seeks to care for your soul, encouraging you to participate in the sacramental life of the Catholic Church. Moreover, of all the Catholic prayers and devotions, the holy sacrifice of the Mass is the most efficacious for a soul.


But what is one to do if he or she is unable to attend daily Mass, or due to illness, unable to attend on Sunday? Pray the Mass on Catholic radio. Here are five ways listening to Holy Mass may change your life:



1. We Are a Part of the Communion of Saints When We Pray the Mass on Catholic Radio


The Mass is a re-presentation of Christ’s sacrifice on the cross for us. As we participate in that prayer, we are connected with the Communion of Saints.


The Communion of Saints includes the “church militant” (those still on earth), the “church suffering” (those in purgatory), and the “church triumphant” (those in heaven). As one body in Christ, we pray together, especially in the prayers of the Mass. In union with one another, we here on earth are strengthened.


Praying for the holy souls in purgatory is particularly important because they cannot pray for themselves. Also ask them to pray for you. This is a powerful devotion and you will recognize the efficacy of their prayers in your daily life.



2. Listening To the Mass on Catholic Radio Can Strengthen Your Relationship With Your Guardian Angel


Your guardian angel is assigned to you at birth, and is charged with guarding your spiritually. Sometimes they even are permitted to intervene in a tangible way if God permits and it is for the benefit of your soul.


Your guardian angel is with you and seeks to bring you closer to God. It communicates with you through your imagination to help illuminate truth and strengthen your mind. In this way, your will can be strengthened as well.


If you do not recognize the presence or assistance of your guardian angel, ask God to reveal it to you according to His Will. (Never attempt to ask the name of your angel, or even name it. These can open a door to the demonic since we have no authority over our angel.)


When you attend Mass, ask your angel to inspire devout worship. And if you are unable to attend, consider reciting this prayer, asking your angel to attend Mass in your place as you listen on Catholic radio:


O holy angel, at my side,
Go to church for me,
Kneel in my place at Holy Mass
Where I desire to be.
At Offertory, in my stead,
Take all I am and own,
And place it as a sacrifice
Upon the Alter Throne.
At Holy Consecrations bell,
Adore with Seraph’s love.
My Jesus hidden in the Host,
Come down from Heaven above.
And when the Priest, communion takes,
Oh, bring my Lord to me,
That His sweet heart may rest on mine,
And I His temple be.



3. The Mass on Catholic Radio Provides an Opportunity to Listen to the Word of God


Reading your Bible is an important aspect to growing in knowledge and wisdom. However, listening to the readings at Mass is a different experience. Lectors and the priests are not just reading from Sacred Scripture, they are proclaiming it!


While it is not recommended to just skip Mass to listen at home, if you are unable to attend, a hidden blessing may be an ability to focus without distraction.


Put yourself into the gospel story. Really listening to the Good News can impact your life.


…so shall my word be that goes out from my mouth; it shall not return to me empty, but it shall accomplish that which I purpose, and succeed in the thing for which I sent it.              (Isaiah 55:11)



4. Catholic Radio Provides Opportunities to Listen to Truth in Daily Homilies


Not only is there a homily preached by the priest when you listen to daily Mass, but more opportunities exist.


Consider listening to other programs Catholic radio for knowledge and inspiration:

  • Christ is the Answer with Fr. Riccardo
  • The Fathers Know Best
  • Daily Bread
  • Fathers of Mercy
  • Word on Fire
  • Bible in a Year/Catechism in a Year


These programs will open up the scriptures and provide new understanding as the Holy Spirit works in You. This can draw you closer to the Trinity and aid you in your daily duties.



5. Listening to the Mass on Catholic Radio Can Unite You to the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus


Jesus is present to us today! Catholics, by way of apostolic succession gives us the Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist. Jesus is present Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity in the Eucharist.


It is important to receive Jesus worthily in the Sacred Host. But if we are unable to do so, by listening to the Mass on Catholic radio, we can still welcome Him spiritually into our souls by praying this prayer:


My Jesus,
I believe that You are present in the Most Holy Sacrament.
I love You above all things,
and I desire to receive You into my soul.
Since I cannot at this moment receive You sacramentally,
come at least spiritually into my heart.
I embrace You as if You were already there
and unite myself wholly to You.
Never permit me to be separated from You.




Listening to the Holy Mass on Catholic radio can enhance your spiritual life as you seek to grow closer to Jesus. You can listen online to one of our five livestreams, find your local station, or download our free app for Apple and Android.

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