Back To Basics: 4 Ways Catholic Radio Aids the New Evangelization

Written by on May 29, 2024

Today, Catholic radio is accessible in the United States and around the world by radio antenna, phone and tablet app, and online. Since it can be found quickly and listened to 24/7 we may take it for granted. If we haven’t listened often, we may assume it’s a lot of talking that doesn’t offer much.


Nothing could be further from the truth! Catholic radio is just one media tool of the New Evangelization.


Jesus commissioned the apostles to make disciples of all nations (Matt 28:19-20). In other words, to evangelize, bringing the Good News of Jesus to those who do not know Him.


The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops has this to say about the New Evangelization:


The New Evangelization calls each of us to deepen our faith, believe in the Gospel message and go forth to proclaim the Gospel. The focus of the New Evangelization calls all Catholics to be evangelized and then go forth to evangelize.


….Pope Benedict XVI called for the re-proposing of the Gospel “to those regions awaiting the first evangelization and to those regions where the roots of Christianity are deep but who have experienced a serious crisis of faith due to secularization”.


The New Evangelization invites each Catholic to renew their relationship with Jesus Christ and his Church.


Let’s get back to basics. Here are six ways Catholic radio aids the New Evangelization:



1. Catholic Radio Communicates the Fullness of Truth


Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life (John 14:6). When Catholic radio broadcasts programs, you can be certain they are centered on Christ, the Truth. They proclaim the Truth He taught, the Good News. The programs also pass on this Truth in the sacred deposit of faith, which is entrusted to the Catholic church.


When the Truth is learned and understood, it is better communicated to others, which aids the New Evangelization.



2. The Love and Mercy Of God Are Proclaimed On Catholic Radio


God is Justice and many people who have not been well-catechized imagine the Father as an old man in heaven keeping score of wrongs and sinfulness to mete out punishment.


God is also Love.


God is Mercy.


God forgives and saves us.


There are broken people in the world who have never heard of the lovingkindness of the Father, the sacrifice of the Son, and the guidance of the Holy Spirit.


Catholic radio spreads this message and calls people to the heart of Jesus.



3. The Heart Of Catholic Radio Is the Care Of Your Soul


When you turn on the TV or radio, go to the movies, scroll on social media, go into a store, things are being marketed to you. Today’s media wants you to buy things and even beliefs.


Catholic radio is different. The goal is selfless. It aims to save your soul.


You don’t have to be on your guard, you can open your mind and heart and the Holy Spirit will enter your experiences and everyday life to guide you closer to the love of the Father and the Son.


Since people learn by example, listening to programs on Catholic radio will equip you with the knowledge and understanding of spiritual matters. In turn, the message can be carried to others for the New Evangelization.



4. Your Prayer Life Will Grow When You Listen To Catholic Radio


Sometimes when a person tunes in to Catholic radio for the first time, he or she doesn’t know how to pray. Other times there has been a lapse in the habit of prayer. Or perhaps knowledge about the types of prayer is limited.


Catholic radio teaches listeners how to pray. Devotions like the rosary and Divine Mercy Chaplet are recited daily, along with the Mass. Also, program hosts often refer to religious orders and their particular charisms of prayer, or devotions that accompany the liturgical year.


For all relationships to flourish, time together is required, as well as good communication. Prayer is the way we come to know God, learn how to recognize His voice, and even lift our needs to the Throne of God.


When we become better at praying, not only can we teach others, but we can pray for them and become intercessors.



We Invite You To Join In the Mission Of Catholic Radio


As you become more well-versed in the Truth, experience God’s love and mercy, and open your soul to God through prayer, you will grow in holiness and confidence. And you will be a light for others as you share what you know about God.


We invite you to listen online to one of our five livestreams, find your local station, or download our free app for Apple and Android.

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